
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Curriculum 2010-2011

Since I started homeschool a couple of years ago, I have struggled to find the right curriculum fit for us.  I have had to change twice, and I actually just changed after the Christmas break.  I now feel that I have found the right fit for us.  In the beginning, I wanted a packaged curriculum.  I thought that all the textbooks needed to come from the same source.  I was also trying to make our homeschool more like a typical classroom, because that was all I knew.  I have now learned how I don't want homeschooling to be.  I have learned that it is a great blessing to be able to laugh during lessons, take time away from the books and just learn about life, and there is no need for a strict schedule.  I have also learned that each of the kids learn differently and one of the great benefits to homeschooling is being able to tailor the curriculum to fit the child's need.  This has become a great necessity as Tay needs to be challenged with her school work, and Ash needs to be able to move at her own pace.  Buddy, as you know is just starting and we are seeing where that will take us.  Here is a list of what we are using now.  I am planning on adding some things for next year, but since we changed in January I didn't want to overwhelm the kids.

Tay:  5th grade

Bible/Religion:  Credo I Believe Student book and activity book (Faith and Life Series), and St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism #2.  We also read stories about the Saints a few times a week, as well as weekly Bible readings.

Math:  Saxon 65

Language Arts:  Intermediate Language Lessons

Spelling:  The Writing Road to Reading.  A little side note on this.  I am not to happy with this program and will be using All About Spelling next year.

Poetry:  The Harp and Laurel Wreath: Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum

Science:  Apologia Exploring Creation Through Astronomy This is one of our favorites.

History:  Our Pioneers and Patriots

Geography:  Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide, State and Capital flashcards

Latin:  Latina Christiana I

Reading:  Free reading and multiple books on history topics.  Right now she is reading about George Washington and making a timeline.  This week she will begin her Essay on this book.  We also read books about Saints and the Bible.

Art:  Drawing Textbook and Art 5 for Young Catholics.  We also use Drawing Basics from AOP.

Music:  Piano and Voice lessons every Thursday

Ash:  1st Grade

Bible/Religion:  St. Joseph's First Communion Catechism, and books about the Saints.

Math:  ABEKA Arithmetic grade 1

Phonics:  Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, Funnix reading program for the computer, and All About Spelling.

Handwriting:  Book B Manuscript Practice.  Will be adding Handwriting Without Tears as well.

Poetry:  The Harp and Laurel Wreath: Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum.

Art:  Child Sized Masterpieces:  Mommy It's Renoir, Aesop's Fables, many crafts

Reading:  Little Angel Readers, and Bob Books.  We also do many read alouds together.

Music:  Piano Lessons every Thursday

Buddy:  I am trying to find a good fit for him, but for now we are having fun reading and playing together.

This is my list.  I have been very happy with our change.  I am considering adding a classical education co-op next year as well as a character training co-op for the girls.  These are things that are in the works right now and I am praying it will all come together. This would be my first time actually getting something started like this, so I am a little nervous.   The only other change I may make is adding Teaching Textbooks math program for Tay.  She likes learning on the computer, I think it makes her feel more independent.  I am not sure yet, we will see.




  1. We are in the midst of changes here. I THINK they are good ones!

  2. Hi Kimberly,
    Thank you for sharing your curriculum choices! We have a lot of curriculum in common which is neat! My oldest is a 5th grade girl too and we use Faith and Life, Saxon 6/5, and Latina Christina I. I use AAS with my 9 year old son and we have just completed Level 2. I taught my oldest how to read with 100 Easy Lessons, but it did not work with my next 2 children :/
    Thanks for linking up to NOBH and if you ever want to "chat" about curriculum, don't hesitate to contact me through my blog profile or Contact me page. :) Have a blessed day!

  3. Hi Kimbelry - your list is very complete and looks like a great fit! Stopping over from NOBH!

  4. Thanks for stopping by from NOBH! We've gone back and forth over the years with curriculum too. We also use AAS and Apologia Exploring Creation Through Astronomy. I'm following you now.

  5. I love these kinds of posts! We love the Apologia Elementary courses here at our house.

    Thanks for coming by my blog. I am a new follower now :)

  6. Hi Kimberly! I "met" you through your comment on my blog today and really loved reading through your curriculum choices. I also loved reading about your journey regarding how to structure the day. It's something I'm continually tweaking at our house! :) Looking forward to reading more of your posts-now following!


  7. I am holding off on some changes for us until the new school year. We are doing okay with what we have, just not like I think we should. Hope your new changes work well for you and your family! :)


Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. I love to read them and check out what others are doing as well. I am thankful for all of you for reading and letting me know your thoughts.
