
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday Fun!

Today we tried to get our school work done fairly early so we could take some time to celebrate Fat Tuesday!  We did!  Boy, we sure had fun.  We made a craft, talked about the history of the King's Cake, and had a surprise dinner for all.  What a blast!

First, the kids and I made Madri Gras masks from a template.  The kids then added a touch of their own personality.  They each made their own awesome creation.

Tay's Creation:
Ash's Creation:
Buddy's Creation:

We then had a super fun dinner!  We had pancakes, (thank you  Life's Adventures ), eggs and bacon.  Our pancakes were green, eggs were yellow.  I was just missing something purple as it was a difficult one to come up with.  After we ate I thought grape jelly for the toast.  Oh well, next year. After dinner we had a very special dessert.  I was able to get a King's Cake from a local bakery.  We all enjoyed it, and boy was it yummy!  Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!  Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read about our day.
Here are the kids enjoying their cake:
Why is Buddy always on my table?  I guess he forgets how to use his chair!  




  1. Those masks came out great! :) What a festive cake! Looks like a great Fat Tuesday!

  2. Thank you Erin for stopping by. Yes, we had a great day! So exciting.

  3. I want to live with you guys--you have so much fun!

  4. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. It looks like you had a great time. Thank you for linking up to NOBH.

  5. This looks like a wonderful time! I love all the masks and I thought about making a Kings Cake, but didn't have the time. I never thought of just buying one from a bakery! I'll have to remember that for next year! Thanks for sharing about your fun Fat Tuesday! Have a blessed Lent!

  6. Glad you liked the Pancake for dinner Idea we do it every year along with bacon and eggs. My kids love it. Never thought about a cake may have to incorporate that next year:)!!!


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