
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal

 The Homeschool Mother's Journal

This week was kind of a bummer as we had rain every day.  I mean non-stop rain, and wind, so we pretty much stayed home all week.  The good think is we were able to get a lot of school completed.  Yeah!!

In My Life This Week:  As I said our days were filled with rain.  I was able to get some baking done, a loaf of bread, and some cookies.  The family was very happy about that.  We are going to be doing some work to out backyard next week, so some prep work was done on Thursday.  This made me a little nervous, as now my yard looks like a mud ring.  Just a few more days, and then it will all be over.  I will show the after shots.  Ash's dog training session was canceled due to the weather so she was a little bummed, but we are all set for next Friday.  Bella is doing great so far.  I am very pleased with her progress,  and so is Ash.  Tay is getting ready for her dance performances coming up here in the next month or so.  She is pretty excited.  My husband found the perfect little bike for Buddy yesterday, so as soon as our yard is complete we will buy it for him.  We are looking forward to seeing Buddy get going on a bigger bike (with training wheels of course).

In Our Homeschool This Week:  Well, one thing I figured out this week is that Latin is one subject that I am not able to teach.  Tay is doing Latin and I finally broke down and bought the teaching DVD's this week.  They came yesterday, so Monday will bring a fresh start in this subject.  I can't even begin to tell you the relief I feel.    Sometimes it is just better to concede to defeat.  Tay is pretty excited to get started.  Ash is still doing great.  She is really enjoying reading now, as it has finally "clicked".  I am so proud of her.  She has also started spelling words with All About Spelling.  This is such a great program.  She is building her confidence as we go.  This means less frustrating moments for her.  Yeah!!  Buddy has become obsessed with Green Eggs and Ham.  He just loves the story and the movie.  I decided to move away from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and add Dr. Seuss ABC.  He really loves it.  One good thing about Buddy is he loves to repeat everything he hears.  I know that soon he will be running around reciting the alphabet the way he recites the words from Green Eggs and Ham.  I am happy with his progress, plus he is having so much fun!  That's what preschool is all about.

Places We Are Going/People We Are Seeing:  Due to the weather we have not been able to go anywhere.  This week we are getting our yard done, and if all goes well we are planning on having a family party on Friday to celebrate our new space.  I am praying everything falls into place.  We will see.

My Favorite Thing This Week:  I can honestly say that I think my favorite thing this week was watching Ash spell.  She was having so much fun and the look of happiness on her face was so fulfilling.  I am so very proud of her.  Things are always a challenge for Ash, so it is nice to see her having fun and having great success.

What Is Working/Not Working For Us:  Latin was not working for us, well rather me.  I am hoping the DVD's will change all this.  I have faith that they will be a great resource for us.  On another note, All About Spelling is working great.  I absolutely love this program and plan on switching Tay to it next year.

A Photo To Share:  Buddy's face as we all sang happy birthday to him back in December.

Please head on over to The Homeschool Chick to see what others are saying about their week.



  1. I am glad to see you had a good week in spite of the rain! Boo- rain!

  2. Hi Kimberly!
    Which Latin are you using? We are using Latina Christina I with the CD to pronounce the words. We are doing mostly just vocab and learning a few prayers. We are enjoying Latina Christina I. Also, I am using AAS, level 3 for my son and he used to love it, now not so much because he gets very frustrated with all the rules and he gets upset when those rules have exceptions! But, we are still using it because I like the structure of it (although it is very teacher intensive). I'm just hoping that one day spelling and reading will just click for my son! :) Glad to chat curriculum with you again! Hope you get plenty of sunny days this week, especially for your party coming up!
    Cute picture of your son!

  3. Hi Kimberly - Latin, wow that is impressive...hard language, from what I know of it, Good for you!

    Just and FYI - Put your button on my blog the other day! 8)

  4. HiTracy,

    I am also using Latina Christiana I. I am just having so much trouble teaching it. Today is the first day we used the DVD's and they seem like they will work out good. Tay really seems like she understands it pretty well. I guess it is all me. Funny how that works! So, you are using level 3 with your son in AAS. That was where I was thinking of placing Tay as well. She has a good memory, but really does not know the spelling rules that well. She basically spells from memory. I like that the rules are taught, but I can see where they can become frustrating as well. There always seems to be an exception to the exception. I hope you have a great day. By the way I love the meatless pasta recipe you posted. Can't wait to try it!

  5. HI Kimberly,
    I tried the DVDs with Latina Christina I and my kids laughed at the lady and didn't want to watch her so we just have the CD to pronounce the words. Just to clarify, I started my son with Level 1 in AAS and have worked up to Level 3 so we didn't start at Level 3. Since I was unsure of the program I started at the first level and worked up from there.I saw your comment on my pasta recipe. Thanks for stopping in, the vote, and I voted for you today :)

  6. Here's praying you get a sunnier week this week. I haven't tried teaching Latin I am having enough difficulty teaching Spanish. I don't have an ear for foreign languages and it show:( I have not been able to find a Spanish teacher here so I am struggling a bit. We use AAS also but are only on book 2. My oldest is a great reader but horrible at spelling. I have to remind her of the rules constantly.


Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. I love to read them and check out what others are doing as well. I am thankful for all of you for reading and letting me know your thoughts.
