
Friday, April 15, 2011

Art Showcase


Happy Friday Everyone!  Sorry for the delay on getting this post on, we just have had one of those weeks. If you are new here and unfamiliar with the Art Showcase welcome!  Each Friday I host a link up called Art Showcase.  This showcase is a way for us to display our kids art work in what I like to call the gallery.  We have so much fun looking all the amazing creations that are added.  If you would like to join in please link up below. Any type of creativity is welcome.  I hope you enjoy this weeks creations!  

Drawing Textbook, Tay's last 3 assignments:  I love watching her progress each week:

We are really having fun with Drawing Textbook.  Tay is learning a lot about shading and how to draw with perspective.  The spinach cans on her second drawing are meant to look like they are behind each other.  This concept took some work, but after some time she was able to get it.  She was very proud of herself.

If you would like to link up please do so below.  Have Fun!




  1. Hi Kimberly,
    I need to check out Drawing textbooks as our art work is probably more crafty in nature:). Tay did a great job on the art work

  2. Tay is doing so well with the Drawing Textbook! Her spinach cans look great and I can tell one is behind the other! Way to go! Thanks so much for hosting the Art Showcase! It's been a lot of fun :) Have a blessed weekend!


Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. I love to read them and check out what others are doing as well. I am thankful for all of you for reading and letting me know your thoughts.
